Evening Systemic Work SCDM®

Every month you can join our Systemic Work Evening with organisational and family constellations.

What are Organisational and Family Constellations?

A systemic constellation shows how patterns can influence your life. Everyone is part of a system, for example, a family system. Hidden family patterns play a role in each family. It are often the subconscious influences that can cause problems amd complaints. In a constellation someone can bring a theme or issue to the table. Some of the family members who are present during the training can be chosen to represent other family members or emotions in the constellation. They will then be put together in the room to clearly demonstrate the relationships and feelings of the real family members. The interventions of the trainer will make a change in these relationships and feelings so that problems can be solved.

What happens during a Systemic Work Evening?

As a participant in the Systemic Work Evening you can either bring an issue to the table, be a representative in the constellation or be a spectator. Regardless of your role, you will be able to experience how constellations work and see how issues can be solved. During each Constellation / Systemic Work Night we can work with both family and organisational constellation. And you will be able to address all kinds of issues.


The evening starts at 19.30 but you are more than welcome from 19.00. Coffee and tea will be ready. The evening usually ends at around 22.30. Afterwards you will be able to have a few drinks with the other participants.

Would you like to receive more information about the Systemic Work Evening? Feel free to contact us patricia@clarity.ie


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