Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Team & Organisational Constellations

Master Class TEAM and ORGANISATIONAL Systemic Dynamics SCDM®
Organisations don’t exist, dynamics and moving people exist, these are the things that can make the organisation or break the organisation.
- If you know that you know some dynamic/undercurrent is happening, but you cannot define it/pin it down then you cannot influence it.
- If you feel that you feel what is going on and yet you aren’t able to change it.
- If you want to manifest what you know, to know what you feel and be able to feel the power of the whole Dynamic in the System.
- Wouldn’t it be great if you could explain and work with all those unexplainable issues around you in the workplace or in your team?
An applicable INSIGHT into the Hidden Dynamics of teams and Organisations
Gain deep insights in your own ordinary work life and the impact of hidden movements of the system.
- Do you want to develop/deepen your knowledge of team and organisational dynamics and the undercurrents of an organisation?
- When you have completed this Master Class you will have an understanding of stuck situations within teams and organisations and you will be able to pinpoint subconscious patterns and repeating hidden dynamics.
- In this Master Class you will learn the theory and practice of Systemic Work SCDM® and Organisational Constellations.
Organisational Constellations are particularly helpful when dealing with questions and issues which persist and repeat within a team/department and yet the underlying cause is unclear.
Examples of these are:
- A team that is not performing or the atmosphere is terrible in the team;
- A lasting conflict between people or departments;
- A manager who is not able to handle their team/department;
- Not accepting management;
- Subconscious power patterns that play a role in people’s functioning;
- Old wounds that are opened over and over again.
During the Master Class you will gain insight into:
- Which Systemic Principles are at the basis of an effective functioning team/organisation?
- What are the conditions that are necessary for the harmonious functioning of a team/organisation and when and under what circumstances are survival strategies activated?
- How can the (team/organisation) system move freely without losing its balance?
- How you can solve issues sometimes with one sentence or one almost magic behaviour.
- There will also be an opportunity for some participants to have a deep look and work on their own organisational questions/issues.
In the Master Class Team & Organisational Systemics SCDM® you will develop your knowledge of organisational dynamics and the undercurrent of an organisation. After completing this Master Class you will be able to get a grip on conflict situations within organisations and you will be able to pinpoint (subconscious) patterns.
This Master Class is highly suitable for: Managers, HR Advisors, Team Leaders, Coaches, Professionals and Organisational Advisors.
Subjects within the Master Class Organisational Constellations
During the Master Class Organisational Constellations you will gain insight into:
- Which systemic principles are at the basis of an effective functioning of a team/organisation?
- What are the conditions to a harmonious functioning of an organism and when and under what circumstances are survival strategies activated?
- How can the system move freely without losing its balance?
Some participants can also work on their own organisational questions/issues.
2-day Master Classes Systemic Work at Bureau Land
The Master Class Organisational Constellations is one of the six 2-day Systemic Work modules of Bureau Land. Each 2-day Master Class Systemic Work will focus on a different element of Systemic Work and is part of a larger framework. You will learn about the background of Systemic Work, gain knowledge of the systems of your own family and organisation and will be able to focus on your personal questions with regard to Systemic Work. The Master Class is part of the Basic Program Systemic Work.
Would you like to receive more information about this Master Class? Feel free to contact us.
or more information and to book a place
Tel: 0866008727