Master Class: Developing Professional Coaching & Management Style
The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Trainings in which you will elaborately discuss specific topics. This Master Class is about: developing your own coaching style / management style and discovering different levels to guide people in. This Master Class is part of the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II but you can also attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis for further deepening and specialisation.
Discovering your own style characteristics as a Coach and Manager
- How do you make sure that you will become a distinguishable Coach with a unique coaching style?
- What management style do you use? What is the focus of your management?
- What do you stand for as a Manager / Coach? What are your style characteristics.
In this Master Class you will get answers to all of these questions.
The main topics are:
- Developing your own style of coaching and managing. Structure, presuppositions and execution.
- The differences between being a Coach, Mentor, Teacher, Sponsor and Awakener to your client / employees.
- Developing your own style characteristics as a Coach / Manager.
To get an idea of how you can develop your own style of Coaching / Managing we will look at the style of trainer, manager and Coach drs. JOke Land: Confrontational Compassion (the CCC3 method). After this Master Class you will have a clear idea of your own style of coaching and managing. You will know what your focus and strengths are and you can clearly articulate these so that you can give others a clear idea of what they can expect.
Making a difference with a distinguishable style
In this Master Class you will develop your own style characteristics as a Coach or Manager. You will do this by using techniques and doing exercises to explore your personal style characteristics in your profession. You will articulate these in your own terms so that you will become a distinguishable Coach in the world and in the market of your target group. If you participate in this Master Class to help shape your own style of managing, then you will work towards developing a congruent style of management which will help increase your persuasiveness.
From Coach to Awakener
You will learn the different levels at which you can coach and manage, the road from Coach – Mentor – Teacher and Awakener. And all skills that belong to and the convictions that are involved in these levels. This Master Class wil give a thorough elaboration of being a Coach at all logical levels. In addition, we will discuss the connection between your own Coaching style and Sponsorship and, of course, their implementations and applications in your daily practice as a Coach.
It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis in the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II. It is possible to receive a module certificate for this module, so that you will be eligible for the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II certificate.