Master Class: Coaching & NLP

The Coaching Master Classes at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which specific subjects are discussed. In this Master Class we will focus on Coaching based on several powerful NLP techniques. It is possible to attend the Master Classes on a stand alone basis for expanding your knowledge of and specialising in Coaching. If you want to fully develop yourself as a Professional Coach you can participate in our Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® I which also includes this Master Class.

Learn how to apply NLP techniques in Coaching

  • Do you want to learn how to coach with NLP?
  • Do you want to learn how to apply several very powerful NLP Communication and Change Tools in your Coaching?

You will learn it all in the Master Class Coaching and NLP.

In this Coach Training you will learn how to play the game between the conscious and subconscious. You will learn how to work with structure without getting too carried away with content. You will get answers to questions like: What can and what can’t you say as a coach? How can you connect with your client? How do you decide what global model to use for your coaching? In addition, you will learn what the inner representations of your feelings and thoughts look like and how you can use this in your training.

Coaching and NLP: the topics

  • What is NLP?;
  • Conscious and subconscious coaching;
  • Difference between the conscious and subconscious;
  • The Coach and their relation with the client;
  • Structure of the global models of the Coach and the client;
  • Modalities and submodalities.


It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis in the NLP Practitioner Program or the Professional Training Program Total Coaching® I. You will receive a module certificate for the module so that, at a later stage, you will be eligible for the Certificates of the NLP Practitioner Program (ABNLP-accredited) or the Training Program Total Coaching® I.

Would you like to receive more information about this Master Class? Feel free to contact us.

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