
Bureau Land (Kamer van Koophandel 02051761), hereinafter referred to as Bureau Land, hereby grants you access to www.bureauland.nl (the Website) and invites you to buy what is offered. With this, Bureau Land retains its right to adapt contents or to remove parts without the need to inform others about these acts.
Limited liability
Bureau Land exerts itself to actualize the contents of the Website and/or to replenish it as often as possible. Despite the great care and attention paid to the content of this website, it may be the case that the content is incomplete and/or false.
Specifically for prices and other information about products on the website there are reservations of obvious programming and typing erros. Bureau Land will make no agreements based on such errors.
Copyrights and Property rights
All rights of intellectual property, including copyright, on all materials produced for the purpose of the activity in any form whatsoever, at all times lie with Bureau Land or any other rightholder mentioned in the Materials by Bureau Land. Without the expressed consent of Bureau Land it is not in any way permitted to sell, duplicate and/or transfer to a third party, expect and only to the extent provided in regulations of mandatory law (such as right to quote), unless otherwise indicated in specific materials.
By supplying Materials to the participant, Bureau Land shall never imply a transfer of any rights of intellectual property. Without the expressed consent of Bureau Land it is not allowed to make audio-, video- and or picture recordings during our activities. Bureau Land reserves the right to recover the damage suffered from the participant who did not comply with these provisions.
This disclaimer may be modified from time to time.