Management training

Harvest Day- Monday, July 8 2019

Monday morning:We collect our results of the days we had. Sharing what you take with you and what you leave behind here. You will make the circle complete in the love for Self. We repeat and rehearse the steps of the method, so you will be able to continue at home what you have learned. […]

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Bring it on- Sunday, August 16 2020

I value myself and therefore I can have a lot. Resistant with intuition! Sunday morning: Original wishes morning. What the f**! I appreciate and love my SELF, so I can handle things that will happen to me. Fisty with Intuition. The original wishes morning. What were your original wishes in life? You will be surprised that […]

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The Longing – Saturday, August 15 2020

Saturday morning: Rejection, I can not take it. Or can rejection bring me something? Even strengthen me? Exploring the inner emptiness and leave it behind us. This morning we are going to find the lightness of our Self and fill this the way you want. In this life we have to accept and even take some […]

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Learn to Love Your Self- Friday, August 14 2020

Friday morning: Learn, dare and lean at the same time and make the picture of who you want to be. Learn to value yourself, the first steps to learn what that means. Discover what a happy sustainable life can look like if you are able to honor yourself on Value. We are going to explore the first […]

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Arrival and Settling down- Thursday, August 13 2020

We will meet each other and walk in the night. We discover our dark Self.

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Summer Intensive: The Program

We will get you ready to be able to get trust and calmness in your own Self To learn to love your Self is not a skill we are trained in when we are brought up in our childhood. At least most of us are trained in being good, being a good girl or a […]

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Summer Intensive: Learn to Love Your Self

LIVE YOUR LIFE FROM THE PURE POWER WITHIN YOU This week is all about lightness, intuition and inner strength. We prepare you for confidence and peace in your Self. Learning to value yourself is not a skill that many people get. Most of the time we are told: Don’t be so arrogant! Please behave! That’s not right! And […]

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Coaching on the beach

Do you really want to change your life? Then this is it! Our program Bahama Coaching. Do you know what you are longing for? Are your dreams still alive? Are you ready to look at your entanglements? Do you know what they are or where they come from? Do you want to feel the flow […]

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Workshop: Focus on Self and own Business

A workshop focussed on your true Self. Only busy with your own Business. What is your rhythm? How does balance in your body feel? How do you keep the focus on self in connection with the other? A taster in thrusting the knowledge of your own body. A workshop with fun, movement, rhythm and music […]

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End of Season Party

At the end of the entire week there will be a party to end the week in style. A festive night, with time and space to look back and forward after an intensive week. We’ll combine the evening with our traditional end of season party. Together with all the participants of the Summerweek we’ll look […]

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Workshop: HRM Business Partner

How do we equip our people’s leaders and orchestrating teams for success – talent spotting – working to people’s strengths, taking risks where promise is shown – creating and maintaining a system of trust that supports risk taking. What role will HR play in this world? Is it time to explore another way for HR to […]

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Training: The hidden factor in the brain.

The hidden factor in the brain and opening it up, so you can effectively build your own inner business and outer business! Meta-programs. What is driving your life in day to day life? What shapes your thoughts and feelings during the day? Would it be interesting to know how you can connect deeply with other […]

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Workshop: Leadership in organisations

Interim leading is the topic of this workshop. Learning how embracement can be used in beging an succesful leader in teams and organisations. Connecting and not loosing your power to be able to really adress things so you can build a team. Trainer: Els de Boer.

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Workshop: Career Story Interview

Do you want to learn how you can use your own life stories in shaping your own career? In this workshop you will learn some priciples of the method of career story telling. Trainer: Drs. Mieke Verbaarschot.

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Training: “The hidden Coding of your brain”

Which program is your brain using over and over? We are used to our unconscious programming, however often these programming is not serving us anymore. On this day you will discover which programming you’re still using and how these are limiting your world. Discover that there is more Business when you are limber in all […]

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Workshop: Holistic living with yourself

A tasting that teaches you to experience yourself in another way and to (re-)discover your Self. The Workshop is all about ‘ your own Me’ We are all continuously busy, busy, busy, and as a result we develop patterns that we suffer from physically and emotionally. A disturbance then occurs between physically wellbeing and emotions eventually […]

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Workshop: From HR Business Partner to Talent Strategist

What role will HR play in this world that changes no longer step by step but in Quantum Leaps. Is it time to explore another way for HR to work with leadership to enable organization succes. Agility is key! What would it be like to be able to create a workplace where people willingly give […]

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Training: The hidden Criteria that is the strict measurement of your Own life

Are you in charge of your own measurement of life? Or are you always looking for perfection? And how does that work exactly? You want to know all about this inner program in your mind and in your heart. Change it, let it go? Then this is the training for you!

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Workshop: Your body as your Guide for energy

This active workshop makes you aware of your body and your energy level.Where is energy leaking? How can you bring the energy level back to standard? How can you prevent energy from leaking? Everything starts and ends with yourself! Your body communicates everything. But are you capable of picking it up? During this workshop you will […]

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Training “Freeing yourself from entanglements from the Past”

On this day the Systemic Master Class SCDM® with the theme ” Freeing yourself from entanglements from the Past” will take place. You can discover how to get in touch with your soul processes. What gives us the energy to live as we really want to live? Letting go of someone else’s Business is not […]

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Inspirational Speech: Truthfullness

Being succesfull in Business? This means looking at something how it really is. Truthfullness and generating your own ideas that will work! An inspiring speech in which JOke Land will take you on a trip to see your own Truthfullness. How do you become succesfull in your own Business?  

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Information Events

Want to learn more about who we are and what we do? Come to our information event! At this information event, which is open to all, our employees will tell you more about the how and why of our organisation and the pragmatic character of our programs. These are all based on powerful theories with very practical […]

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Bureau Land offers many different programs that can be tailor-made to your goals and wishes. Discover the possibilties of further developing your team in terms of their communication, collaboration, mutual trust, inspiration or whatever other process you want to enhance (or reduce). The trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, […]

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What do I really want in terms of work? What are my capacities? How capable am I? How can I reconnect to work? How can I accomplish what I really want? Bureau Land offers a tailor-made outplacement development program. This development program will focus on the competence research and career path reorientation, the analysis of […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Criteria Analysis

Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Conflict Management

Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Your employees will make a great leap in their Professional Development with the competence trainings of Bureau Land. Your employees will be able to put their knowledge to practice after completing the training, regardless of the subject of the training. The competence trainings are, to a great extent, based on the ideas of NLP, Systemic Work, Occupational- and […]

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Culture Change

The Management Development tools of Bureau Land are aimed at building a solid foundation for the top of the organisation with managers who bring across the culture to their department, team and/or employees with lots of passion. At Bureau Land we have over 22 years of experience with Organisational Development and Culture Change Development Programs in organisations, varying from […]

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Competence Management

Successful managers are the foundation of a successful organisation: inspired managers who work with much enthusiasm and decisiveness to ascertain the continuity and quality of the organisation and its employees. The in-company management trainings of Bureau Land are aimed at creating a solid foundation at the top of the organisation and/or the HR-department and teams. We offer tailor-made development programs focused […]

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Personal Resume Profile Coaching

In today’s job market you need a compact, concise and appealing resume with a clear profile. Are you working on your resume? But are you having troubles with: thoroughly looking at and writing about yourself?; incorporating the central thread?; connecting your past work experience to your (future) ambitions? Then Personal Resume Profile Coaching might be an excellent coaching […]

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Systemic Coaching

Recurrent themes in life, dynamics that emerge, questions that remain. How does that work? Systemic Coaching focuses on the (sub)conscious relationship between the organisational or family system which the client is part of and the issues he/she encounters in his/her life. Do you want to gain more insight into your own role in your family system? Do you […]

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Relationship Coaching

Do you want to get a professional, objective perspective on your relationship? Then Relationship Coaching might be an excellent type of coaching for you. Bureau Land has experienced relationship coaches who have years of experience in coaching and guiding couples. They can help you with all kinds of issues in your relationship, from finding out if you […]

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Adolescent Coaching

When your adolescent is feeling discouraged or when their situation discourages you. When your adolescent has been feeling unhappy (for a while) and needs help. What is Adolescent Coaching? Bureau Land coaches adolescents as a separate group. And we also coach you, as the parent of the adolescent, so that you can get a better understanding of […]

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Life Coaching

Are you looking for a Personal Coach? Are you looking for someone who can help you with personal issues? Then Life Coaching might be an excellent coaching method for you. The coaches at Bureau Land have many years of experience with coaching people in terms of life coaching, relationships, communication, grief, work, obstructions, personal effectiveness, […]

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Parent and Child Coaching

Have you noticed lately that your child is not comfortable in their own skin? Is your child withdrawn and does he/she have trouble making social contacts? Does your child have other issues and do you want to help him/her to solve these issues? Or does your child have problems with your parenting and do you need […]

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Career Path Coaching

Career Path Coaching might be an excellent method for you if you are looking for career path guidance, career path development or tailor-made advice for your career path. For example: When you are not sure if you are at the right place in your current job; When you want to find out which job suits […]

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Intervision & Supervision

Intervision If you want to spar about your functioning at work outside of your organisation or workplace. Our coaches have years of experience in a variety of sectors and we can help you make progress. For more information about the options for Intervision you can contact us via phone: +3150-5798333 or email: Supervision Apart from Intervision, Bureau Land […]

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Emotional Stability Coaching

For who? You have been feeling out of balance for a while now. You can get angry or sad without any apparent reason. You can’t explain why you are feeling this way. You are not as stable as you used to be. You are asking yourself “What can I do to change the situation I’m in?”. If […]

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Redirecting aggression

Employees have to deal with more (verbal) aggression than ever before. Do you want your employees to learn how to recognise aggression and give them effective tools to redirect aggression? Then Redirecting Aggression might be an excellent type of Coaching for your organisation. This type of coaching is aimed at learning how to redirect aggression of […]

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De-escalation Coaching

Do you want to bring a conflict in your organisation back to its normal proportions so that coherent communication and contact are possible again? Then your organisation needs De-escalation Coaching. A conflict that is not resolved can easily escalate. The arguments become fiercer, the language more agressive and the final gain is usually more costly than profitable. […]

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Conflict Making

Do you want your employees to learn how to deal with disagreements and conflicts in their team/department? Do you want to learn how to effectively handle conflicts in your organisation? Do you want your employees to learn how to voice their opinion and how to handle conflicts? Or are you looking for a mediator for a conflict in your […]

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Team Coaching

Do you want to improve the collaboration in your team? Are you looking for permanent tools to make the collaboration in a team more effective? Do you want to avoid confusion about the goal of the team? Do you want team members to be better at dealing with each other’s differences? Then Team Coaching might be […]

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Start Coaching

Do you want to set up a new business? Do you need a sparring partner for your ideas from the first stage to the actual start of a business and all of the procedures that come along with it? Someone who will follow and guide you after the start of your business? Are you looking for […]

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Executive Coaching

Do you want the leaders of your company to be inspiring and charismatic? Do you want your Management Board (MB) to be inspiring in such a way that they can lead their teams and departments towards the main goal of your organisation? Do you want to boost the rational and emotional development of the top of your […]

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Corporate Coaching

Do you want your employees to conform to the goals, mission and vision of your organisation? Do you want to coach your organisation and all its professionals? Do you want to have a healthy and vibrant atmosphere in the workplace? Do you want to develop coaching leadership in your organisation and do you want your organisation to […]

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Career Coaching

Are you looking for Career Guidance / a Career Coach? Do you want career advice from an experienced Career Advisor? Are you looking for inspiration for a new career / career plan? Or do you want to see how you can continue your current career or how you can take your career to a different direction? […]

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(Re)write your Career Path Story

(Re)write your Career Path Story Today’s dynamic world of change is all about adaptability and individuality. Although it might sound paradoxical, this is reality. Because when you are strong you are also more resilient. In this one-day training you will get a better grip on the direction of your career by reflecting on your roots, […]

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Power of Presence: Presenting Techniques & Competences

It is a true art to be an effective, inspiring, relaxed and intriguing presenter. But you can learned this art with the right presenting competences and techniques. In this 3-day Presenting Training: Presenting Techniques and Competences the focus is on the basics of giving a presentation. This training is the first module of the Power of […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Soul and Trauma

In this Master Class you will be familiarised with Soul and Trauma, two important themes of Systemic Work. For this Master Class, we expect our participants to have basic knowledge of Systemic Work and Systemic Entanglements (Master Class no. 1 and 3). Trauma Trauma is typically caused by a situation in which you are overwhelmed, […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Team & Organisational Constellations

 Master Class TEAM and ORGANISATIONAL Systemic Dynamics SCDM® Organisations don’t exist, dynamics and moving people exist, these are the things that can make the organisation or break the organisation. If you know that you know some dynamic/undercurrent is happening, but you cannot define it/pin it down then you cannot influence it. If you feel that you […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Entanglements and Obstructions

Do you want to get familiarised with and learn more about Systemic Work and work on personal issues? You can do it all in this 2-day Master Class Systemic Work. Themes of Systemic Work This Master Class focuses on the Themes of Systemic Work. You will work with specific themes within the systems. The topics are: Entanglements […]

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NLP Refresher Training

Have you participated in an NLP Training or Practioner and do you want to: Boost your basic knowledge of NLP; Integrate the power of NLP deeper into you day-to-day activities; Share your experiences with others. It is all possible in this  2,5-day NLP Refresher Training. The Program This is what the program of the NLP Refresher […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: Systemic Principles and NLP

Do you want to look at things from a different perspective? Do you want to find out how all techniques are connected? Do you want to make full use of your gained knowledge about NLP and help people to see systemic connections? You will learn it all in this module of the SIGN® Mastery Programme. Some of the […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: Systemic Archetypes II

Unknown composite systemic archetypes. Do you want to know why 1 + 1 = 3? Do you want to discover how systems can be the building materials of larger systems so that you can gain more insight into the underlying patterns? Do you want to learn more about the power game, which you can feel but do not […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: from existing to new form

Do you want to climb the walls of your castle? Do you want to apply the techniques you have learned as an integrated system? Do you want to be more effective in making changes than with “normal” NLP? You will learn it all in this module of the SIGN® Mastery Programme. Learn how to manage change […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: Language in different shapes

Do you want to say a lot by only using a few words? How great would it be if your use of language could change things? Or if you can be more clear and comprehensible when you speak? You will learn it all in this module of the SIGN ® Mastery Programme. Having maximal effect with […]

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Master Class Presenting & Modelling

Bureau Land’s Coaching Master Classes are 3-day Trainings that revolve around specific topics. This Master Class is all about Presenting. You can do the Master Classes as separate coaching trainings to specialise and enhance your knowledge. For complete professional and personal development you can participate in our Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® I & II. This Master Class […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: Systemic Archetypes I

The great unknown archetypes. Do you want to: get the upper hand? get an overview of structural problems? understand recurrent problems? get solutions by recognising and knowing the structure? You will learn it all in this module of the SIGN ® Mastery Programme. The great unknown archetypes… highly appropriate for people who are trapped in their […]

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SIGN® Mastery Module: NLP & Systemic Work

Do you want to feel like you know? Do you want to be able to fully understand the systems and see more connections between issues and between problems and their solutions? You will learn it all in this module of SIGN® Mastery Programme. Some topics: The systemic consciousness; Systemic principles; Applying NLP techniques to a systemic context; […]

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Introductory Training: Coaching

Is Coaching something for you? That’s what you will find out in the Introductory Training Coaching. Do you enjoy bringing out the best in people, more than they even thought they were capable of? Do you want to learn techniques that will help you to guide people to more self-insight and self-confidence? Or are you curious […]

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Power of Presence: Honour your own Presence and use it while Presenting

Generating Impact! When you put your heart & soul into your presentation, you will generate Impact This module focuses on Presenting with great Impact. How can you optimally use your knowledge to present? You are the most important part of your presentation. When you put your heart and soul into your presentation, you generate Impact. The […]

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Power of Presence: Developing Charisma and Presenting Charismatically

This is the 3rd module of the Power of Presence Training, the Training to become a Professional Speaker. Your presentation will stay with people for the rest of their life You must have attended a presentation at least once in your life where you where holding your breath. Listened carefully. Forgot the time. Experienced exciting […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Systemic Coping Styles

“This Master Class Systemic Work at Bureau Land is  an enlightening and confronting Master Class. It provides food for thought. Especially by practicing the different coping styles, you will get a clear understanding of the styles.” Former participant; Jet Brandsma, Coordinator Education Sector. Average appreciation of the Master Class: 8.6 (range 1-10, we received scores of […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Systemic Principles

Systemic Principles This Master Class focuses on the Systemic Principles and the basic approach of Systemic Work. The topics that will be discussed in this 2-day Master Class are: Basic systemic approach; The big fundamental Systemic Principles in each system; Working with a geneagram and recognising important biographical facts about the family system; The effects of violating […]

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Business Coaching

Bureau Land offers many different forms of Business Coaching. Career Coaching You can participate in the career coaching development programs for all kinds of purposes. You can choose for career coaching in a very general sense, outplacement or reintegration. Corporate Coaching Do you want your employees to conform to the goals, mission and vision of the organisation? […]

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Do you want to know if a perspective employee is actually able to assume their task? Are you looking for a reliable Institute for a personality test for one or more employees? Do you want to start a personal development program with one of your employees and does this require a personality analysis? A tailor-made […]

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Interim Management

A specific service of Bureau Land is Interim Management. When an organisation has to deal with unexpexted situations such as illness or lost days of managers, heads of service, directors, and so on, an Interim Manager of Bureau Land can offer the solution. When an organisation has specific issues and needs an external advisor or interim […]

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Master Class: My Added Value

Discover what unique qualities you possess and learn how to use them more effectively. In this Master Class we will contextualise the notion of Added Value. You will learn to identify what is valuable to you and what your own value in this world is. You will discover your own unique personal qualities that make you a […]

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Spiral Dynamics® II Training

Organisational Development – “System Dynamics and the Graves Model”, part II At the moment, Spiral Dynamics® is a “hot item” in the professional world. It is based on the theory of Graves. In the Spiral Dynamics® II Training you will learn how to apply the Spiral Dynamics® Model as a tool of change in Organisational Development and […]

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Spiral Dynamics® I Training

Spiral Dynamics® I is a great tool for everyone who is interested in the development of people and the differences in mental worlds. The Spiral Dynamics Model is based on the theory of Graves. Do you want to… learn more about people and cultures? indicate directions of development and use them in your personal and organisational behaviour? […]

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Personal Leadership Training

In this 2-day Personal Leadership Training you will learn how to guide yourself instead of constantly being guided. Are you capable of optimally using your qualities in all contexts? What are your qualities? You will discover it all in this training in which we will focus on developing personal strength and leadership. An increased demand for Personal […]

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Power of Presence Training: Learn how to Present Professionally

The art of Charismatic Presenting and Communication. The Power of Presence Training is a complete training to learn how to present professionally in front of an audience. The training has a layered structure in which all aspects of presenting will be discussed. From Presenting Techniques and Competences, the power of (non)verbal communication and language to […]

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Professional Training Program Business SIGN® Intervention Expertise I

Professional Training Program Business SIGN® System Dynamic Intervention Expertise Suitable for: managers, staff members, coaches: large job profiles in organisations. Emerge as an Interventor The Professional Training Program Business SIGN® will teach you how to be overarching and future-directed Interventor. You will learn how to carry out effective, unsuspected and unnoticeable interventions and you will learn […]

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Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management BHNM® IV

For Seniors, Directors, Leaders and CEOs Expanding leadership: inner, personal, systemic and professional leadership. Focusing on large concepts and visions. Developing Leadership at many different levels Inner, Personal, Professional and Systemic Leadership You are a director and you want to develop yourself as a leader. This Training Program focuses on the transcendence of functional layers: on […]

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Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management BHNM® III

For Senior Managers and Directors Overarching Management. Learn how to control team- and organisational processes and how to use systemic interventions. Learn how to connect and engage people You will learn it all in the Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management® III. What will you get out of this program for your professional development? You will learn tools […]

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Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management BHNM® II

For Middle Management Understanding and enhancing your own professionalism. Controlling self-control. Increasing your Professionalism You already have several years of experience in Management. You are currently in a Middle Management position. You are not able to handle everything at a behavioural and ability level anymore. You feel as if you need to have a better understanding of the deeper layers […]

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Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management BHNM® I

For Beginning Managers Do you want to become an inspiring leader? Do you want to learn how to manage professionals and teams? Do you want to develop your own vision on management? Do you want to develop your own management style? You will learn it all in the Professional Training Program Business Human Neuro Management® […]

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Master Class: Acquisition Training & Networking

Are you looking for techniques and practical tips for dialogues and communication with your customers? Do you want to have a more commercial attitude without losing your authenticity? Do you want to learn how you can create opportunities to meet the right people and how you can engage with them? Then this Master Class will certainly be interesting […]

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Master Class Systemisch Work SCDM®: Commitment, Connections, Relationships and Marriage

The Master Class SCDM®: Commitment, Connections, Relationships and Marriage is one of the 6 Master Classes in the Master Programme SCDM® – Deepening and Development. It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis or as part of the entire Programme. We expect the participants to have at least some knowledge of […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Systemic Issues in Blended Families

The Master Class Systemic Issues in Blended Families is one of the 6 Master Classes in the Master Program SCDM® – Deepening & Development. It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis or as part of the entire Program. We expect the participants to have at least some knowledge of Systemic […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Deeper meaning of Symptoms & Illness

Anorexia, depression, fears, chronic fatigue syndrom, suicide, astma, symptoms, vague symptoms, back pains, migraine, boulimia, addictions. Everyone has to deal with illnesses in their life. If it is not their own illness, then it is probably an illness of one of the people or family in their environment. Illnesses, Stress and Symptoms are all part […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Acceptation & Forgiveness

The Master Class Acceptation & Forgiveness is one of the 6 Master Classes in the Master Programme SCDM® – Deepening & Development. It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis or as part of the entire Programme. We expect the participants to have at least some knowledge of Systemic Work. If […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: The Interrupted Reaching-Out

The Interrupted Reaching Out is one of the 6 Master Classes in the Master Program SCDM – Deepening – Development.  You can do this Master Class as a module and as a part of the entire programme. We expect our participants to have at least some knowledge of Systemic Work. This Master Class focuses on making connections, making […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Organisational-, Team- and Work Relations in the light of Systemic Dynamics

Informal organisations in companies are often much stronger than formal ones. Subconscious communication is often much clearer than conscious communication. Yet, we still try to change the formal organisation and give feedback on conscious (spoken) communication in (work) relations. This Master Class will make a connection between the personality level and the systemic level from […]

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Master Class Systemic Work SCDM®: Stress, Symbiosis & Autonomy

This Master Class is one of the 6 Master Classes of the Master Program SCDM® – Deepening & Development. It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis or as part of the entire Master Program. We expect the participants to have at least some knowledge of Systemic Work. In the Master […]

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Live Freely Training – Get out of your head, into your feelings and into action

Do you want to … … do things differently? … set new goals and actually achieving them? … feel more free in life? … learn how to trust yourself and others? In the Live Freely Training you will learn how to let go of old, persistent patterns that do not serve you well (anymore). You will learn […]

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Program to become a Professional Constellator

After completing the Basic Program Systemic Work (BPS) and the Master Program Systemic Work (MPS): Coaching & Context or Deepening & Development you can continue with the Program to become a Professional Constellator. Directing without steering a Systemic Constellation is an art, an art that not everyone can understand. In this Program you will be trained […]

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Master Program Systemic Work SCDM® – Deepening & Development

Soul – Self – Other – Context The Master Program SCDM® Deepening & Development is the Personal Deepening of the Basic Program and basic knowledge of Systemic Work. You will gain more knowledge of Systemic Work and you will learn to work with deep dynamic dynamics in human lives. Being able to feel the purpose […]

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Master Program Systemic Work SCDM® – Coaching & Context

Learn how to apply Systemic Work for: Yourself – Client – Team – Organisation. The Master Program SCDM® Coaching & Context is the Professional Deepening of the Basic Program and basic knowledge of Systemic Work. Move towards more awareness, insight and applicability with Systemic Work for your Profession The Master Program SCDM® Coaching & Context is […]

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Basic Program Systemic Work SCDM®

The Basic Program Systemic Work at Bureau Land is a Program for Coaches, Tutors and Professionals to learn the basic knowledge and principles of Systemic Work. You will learn about Family- and Organisational Systems and how they can (subconsciously) affect individuals. You will also learn Systemic Work applications for one-on-one coaching and guidance. Learn how […]

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6-day Systemic Work SCDM® Training

The 6-day Systemic Work Training offers a different perspective on your own questions and/or the questions of your client. Instead of only focusing on the individual you will develop a systemic perspective on the family- or organisational system you or your client is part of. You will work on personal or work-related questions by means […]

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Evening Systemic Work SCDM®

Every month you can join our Systemic Work Evening with organisational and family constellations. What are Organisational and Family Constellations? A systemic constellation shows how patterns can influence your life. Everyone is part of a system, for example, a family system. Hidden family patterns play a role in each family. It are often the subconscious influences […]

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Successful Job Applications: Job Applications from the Heart

Show who you really are and stand out in today’s job market in this concise application training! Are you busy trying to find a new job? Do you want to learn how to write a concise, engaging and appealing resume and application letter? Do you want to learn how to effectively and confidently present yourself in […]

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SIGN® Mastery Program

SIGN® Systemic Integrated Generative NLP Mastery Program Are you an NLP Master Practitioner? Do you want to expand your repertoire? And bring about powerful changes? You will learn it all in the SIGN® Systemic Integrated Generative NLP Mastery Program. Develop yourself further as an NLP Master Practitioner As an NLP Master Practitioner you have much to offer. And […]

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NLP for Young Adults Training

Are you between 20 and 30 years old? And do you want to get familiar with NLP to gain more insight into who you truly are, what you consider important and how you can control yourself better? For example, so that you will: feel stronger, learn how to feel better, know better what you want; […]

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The Professional (NLP) Trainer

The Programme to become a professional trainer who can train any group and content.  What would it be like if you: could give trainings / workshops that inspire people and make them come back for more? would be better able to integrate the NLP principles in your trainer style and programme so that you can […]

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NLP Master Practitioner Program

The NLP Master Practitioner Program offers Personal Development at a higher level. You will continue your NLP development. You will get a deeper understanding of NLP and you will learn many new NLP techniques. You will discover and see the connections between all NLP techniques which will make you better at integrating them in all aspects of […]

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NLP Coach Practitioner Plus Program

Do you want to: learn how to apply NLP techniques in Coaching and Guiding? learn the basics of Coaching? gain insights into your own unique qualities and how you can optimally develop them and do you want to learn how to apply this with other people? You will learn it all in the NLP Coach […]

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NLP Practitioner Program

Do you also want to: enhance your personal effectiveness? develop on a personal level? get a better understanding of your unique qualities and how to fully develop them? gain more insight into your (non) verbal communication and behaviour and how to consciously change this in order to increase the impact of your communication? You will learn […]

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Authentic Communication

Becoming more confident in your communication It’s not always easy to explain what you mean or to say directly what you feel. This can apply to both work and private situations. How do you make sure you use the right words? In the Training Authentic Communication – Coaching Circle you will learn techniques and skills […]

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Introductory Training: NLP

Are you interested in exploring why people are different? Or why they respond differently to specific situations? Do you want to find out more about your own behaviour and that of others? And would you like to learn how to implement this knowledge in your own life? Then this might be an excellent training for you. […]

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Master Class: Paradoxal Coaching

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which specific subjects are discussed. This Master Class is about: Paradoxes. It is possible to attend the Master Classes as separate coach trainings for deepening and specialising your Coaching. To fully develop yourself as a Professional Coach you can participate in our Professional Training Programme Total […]

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Master Class: Developing Professional Coaching & Management Style

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Trainings in which you will elaborately discuss specific topics. This Master Class is about: developing your own coaching style / management style and discovering different levels to guide people in. This Master Class is part of the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II but you can also attend […]

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Master Class: Leadership & Coaching

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which we discuss specific coaching subjects. This Master Class is about Leadership and Team Coaching. This Master Class is part of the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II but you can also attend the Master Class on a stand alone basis for deepening and specialisation in the […]

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Master Class: Coaching & Metaphors

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings that deal with different topics of Coaching. This Master Class is about: Coaching with Metaphors. The Master Class: Coaching & Metaphors is part of the Professional Training Programme Total Coaching® II / NLP Master Practitioner Programme but you can also attend the Master Class on […]

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Master Class: Values & Meta-programs

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which specific topics will be discussed. This Master Class is about: values & meta-programs. It is possible to attend the Master Classes as separate coach trainings to deepen and specialise your Coaching. For a complete development as a Professional Coach you can participate in our Professional […]

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Master Class: Enneagram & Coaching

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which specific subjects are discussed. This Master Class is about: Coaching & Enneagram. It is possible to attend the Master Classes as coach trainings for further deepening and specialisation. In order to fully develop yourself as a Professional Coach you can participate in our Professional Training Programme […]

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Introductory Training: Provocative Coaching

Provocative Coaching is a new and alternative coaching and guiding method. This method is based on other presuppositions than in regular coaching. In this introductory training you will learn the basic principles of Provocative Coaching. Provocative Coaching: “People are more resilient than they seem” One of the principles of Provocative Coaching is that people are more resilient […]

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Professional Training Program Top Coaching®

This Training Program is still under development. There will be more information about the Training Program Top Coaching® soon.

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Professional Training Program Total Coaching® II

Higher Vocational Education and Graduate Level Do you want to develop your own Coaching Style and Brand? Do you want to have more tools, techniques and styles to become better at determining the level of certain Coaching Questions? Do you want to learn how to Coach on larger concepts? In the Training Program Total Coaching® II you […]

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Professional Training Program Total Coaching® I

Do you want to become more aware of your qualities, motivators and drives and give them more focus in your life? Have you always been interested in practical applied psychology in the area of communication, behavior and dealing with emotions and change? Do you want to further professionalise yourself in coaching and guiding people for […]

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Master Class: Provocative Coaching

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which we will elaborately discuss specific topics. This Master Class is about: Provocative Coaching. It is possible to attend this Master Class on a stand alone basis for further deepening and specialisation. If you want to fully develop yourself as a Professional Coach you […]

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Master Class: Career Path Coaching

Do you want to learn how to coach creatively? Do you want to learn how to apply new and effective coaching methods in your (career) coaching? Do you want to learn how to coach with the life story of your client to help them find a job that really suits them? In this Career Path […]

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Master Class: Coaching Techniques

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings which revolve around specific subjects. This Master Class is about: Coaching based on powerful NLP Techniques. It is possible to attend the Master Classes as separate coach trainings to deepen and specialise your Coaching. For a complete development as a Professional Coach you can participate in our Professional […]

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Master Class: Coaching & NLP

The Coaching Master Classes at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings in which specific subjects are discussed. In this Master Class we will focus on Coaching based on several powerful NLP techniques. It is possible to attend the Master Classes on a stand alone basis for expanding your knowledge of and specialising in Coaching. If you […]

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Master Class: Coaching

The Master Classes Coaching at Bureau Land are 3-day Coach Trainings which will deal with specific topics of Coaching. The topics of this Master Class are: the Basics of Coaching, Being a Coach and Coaching Leadership. You can do these Master Classes as separate Coach Trainings to deepen your knowledge of and specialising in Coaching. In order to fully […]

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Business NLP Training

In the Business NLP training you will learn how to effectively apply NLP in Business and the professional world. Do you want to communicate more effectively? Do you want to communicate more professionally? Do you want to become more resilient? Could you use some refreshing insights in terms of guidance and reflection? Do you want […]

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