‘Without expectations on an internal journey, destination unknown’
My assumption before leaving for the Bahamas. At Schiphol airport, where I met my fellow travelers for the first time, the journey had begun. After a stopover in Atlanta, we arrived in Freeport where Paulien gave us a very warm welcome, our home for the next week. The daily routine was formed, starting the mornings with a breakfast group session on a created terrace on the drive way with a Hummingbird as a welcome partner. Various inspiring themes were introduced in which immediately brought up known and unknown feelings. With a lovely sun and a light breeze an ideal surrounding to start a process of reflection by sharing personal experiences. The personal process is like a union you peel off layer by layer. The stimulating and confronting questions really helped with that process. My personality was given the opportunity to show herself and to speak out without hesitation or boundaries. An ideal stage. After lunch my personal discoveries were further fueled with inspiring excursions where we explored the island with the group. The atmosphere of the island, sometimes surreal, due to the still present devastation of hurricane Matthew turned out to offer a perfect oasis of calm for maximum personal development. The afternoon was filled with personal coaching sessions that where perfect to get the answers to the burning questions I had about my challenges. At the end of the afternoon, the topics in The Sand Bar were deepened and on the side we had delicious cocktails. Dinner was served at the most beautiful locations where the conversations were further stimulated by all the senses with the culinary pleasure. At the end of the evening there was an appropriate closure, so everything that happened that day could be processed in a delicious way at night. When asked what the program Coaching on the Beach brought me I can say the following: the insight and knowledge of who I really am has brought me closer to myself. From this insight, an internal peace has arisen, which gives me more satisfaction, acceptance of what there is and therefore more happiness. I know now better what I want and how I want it. Where I used to run like crazy holding all the balls high, I now throw the ball myself and determine the frames. I let things grow more organically, because my self-confidence has grown. Complemented with my core values, I experience that I dare to show myself more. My environment has responded surprisingly positive to this. This has given me more the feeling that I am at the wheel of life and not as previously unconsciously lived. By making concrete and practical agreements in a personal plan, what is learned is maintained. By formulating clear goals, it is very clear to me where I stand. Because of the close group bond we regularly monitor each other where we stand on our life path. For example, the trip is not limited to a certain period, but the effect is permanent, so that the change will partly be a fact. I am extremely enthusiastic about the efforts of Joke and Paulien. I can definitely recommend this trip to anyone who wants a truly deeper and lasting change.
Gerben ten Hoven