Bahama Coaching

It is Friday, 21st of April. The alarm clock sounds at 7 a.m. and my suitcase is already packed, except for the toiletries. By car I travel to Ansen to pick up JOke and then together we drive to Schiphol to take our flight to the Bahamas. The reason for this coaching trip has to do with the fact that I have been going through difficult times, which I would love to leave behind me and trying to recover and discover what I want. I have certainly wondered if the Bahamas is the right place to go now. All the more because in my memory these trips were destined to newly married couples who go on their honeymoon. But nothing is less true. Once we arrived at the picturesque airport, we were surprised by a local band who, in their own Caribbean way, made sure that you quickly forget the Netherlands and you feel like in a completely different world, which I later realized really helped me. Apart from the fact that I already knew JOke for a while, a journey with one on one coaching is different from what I experienced in Ansen. Apart from the beautiful surroundings and nature, not to mention the beautiful white beaches, the beach- and sea- sessions with JOke are truly special. In a relaxed atmosphere in which you feel free of all the worries that play here in the Netherlands, you really get the feeling that you take steps, necessary to give substance to your own life in a short time. There is only one disadvantage to this special trip and that is that you do not want to leave. (really laid back there, we can take another example of this in the Netherlands) And the bond you build with each other is so special, that this journey will stay in my memory forever. When I returned to the Netherlands, one thing became clear to me; This trip has really added something to my life. With thanks to Joke who has taken me on a journey in a very professional way that made me realize what it really is about. MK

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