Complaint Procedure

Bureau Land attaches high value to professionalism, integrity, service and an ecological approach. We design our activities with the greatest care.

It may occassionally be the case that, in your experience, we failed to do so. Please let us know in person first. Our intention is to find a solution in consultation with you. If we fail to do so, you can also file a written complaint. In the complaint procedure below you can read how you can file a written complaint and how this will be dealt with.

Aim of this complaint procedure
The aim of this complaint procedure is twofold: on the one hand, it gives you a clear idea of the procedure and, on the other hand, it is a tool for Bureau Land to improve their services. A complaint can involve all aspects of our services such as information provision, accessibility of our company, response time, how clients are treated.

What is a complaint?
Any written expression (including email) of discontent of a (potential) client of Bureau Land.

Who is a client?
Any recipient of a service of Bureau Land.

What can you complain about?
A complaint can involve all aspects of our services such as information provision, accessability of our company, response time, how clients are treated.

How can you file a complaint?
A complaint has to be filed in written form.
You can do this:
– per email  :;
– per mail    : Nieuwe Boteringestraat 96, 9712 PS Groningen;
– per fax      : +3150 – 5798332.
Please include the following information so that we can process your complaint as quickly as possible:
– name, address, residence, phone number and email address;
– the activity of Bureau Land to which the complaint applies;
– the date on which you have sent the written complaint;
– a very clear description of your complaint;
– possibly relevant copies of documents that can clarify the complaint.
The more relevant information you provide, the better we are able to process the complaint.

Processing of the complaint
You will receive a written confirmation within one week after we have received the complaint.
In this confirmation we will mention:
– the employee of Bureau Land who will process the complaint;
– the timeframe in which the complaint will be processed. The complaint will be processed within 15 workdays. If this is not feasible, we will notify you.
– the possibility to explain a complaint orally. You can make an appointment with the employee who will process your complaint after receiving the written confirmation.
If your complaint involves the behaviour of one of the employees of Bureau Land, the relevant employee will receive a copy of the complaint. We do this, to make sure that the complaint is a correct representation of what happened and to prevent future misunderstandings.

Reaction to the complaint
You will receive a substantive written reaction to the complaint within three weeks, unless Bureau Land has indicated earlier that this is not feasible. Among other things, this could be caused by the complexity of the file.
Our substantive written reaction will contain the findings of the investigation of the complaint and will also contain a proposal on how to come to a solution.
We will do our very best to handle the complaint to your satisfaction. However, if you are not happy with the proposal on how to come to a solution, you can also turn to:
– for NLP related activities: The American Board of NLP;
– for other activities: our independent complaint board. This commission consists of 3 people who are not in any way connected to Bureau Land: Ton Sprenger, Els Puijck and Govert Brouwer.
The findings of the complaint board are binding. Possible consequences of the complaint will be processed quickly after the receiving the findings of the complaint board.

The complaint procedure is free of charge.

Complaint registration
Bureau Land is responsible for the registration of the filed complaint.
The filed complaints will be stored for a period of 5 years, from the date on which the complaint was received.

Bureau Land and her employees will handle all written or oral complaints and information in a confidential manner.

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